Safeguarding resources for Out of School Settings Community


For those members of Sandwell's out of school settings community, there are some essential resources to support your safeguarding efforts. The following documents have been carefully prepared to ensure the safety and well-being of children in our out of school settings:

Department for Education (DFE) After-school clubs, community activities, and tuition safeguarding provider guidance : This comprehensive document outlines the key principles and best practices for safeguarding children in out of school settings. It covers various aspects such as risk assessments, staff training, reporting procedures, and creating a safe and positive environment for children. You can access the DFE safeguarding guidance here:

Sandwell Specific Safeguarding Guidance for Out of School Settings: In addition to the DFE guidance - We have developed a localised resource that highlights specific considerations and recommendations tailored to our community in Sandwell. This guidance takes into account local policies, procedures, and support networks, providing you with valuable insights and practical advice to enhance safeguarding in your setting.

DFE out of school setting poster:  This is a poster which can be put up on notice boards for parents/carers to see that you have considered and implemented safeguarding practice, procedures within your setting in accordance with the DFE out of school settings guidance.

Guidance to help parents & carers choose safe out of school settings:  See Here - We also understand the importance of engaging parents in safeguarding efforts. To help parents understand their role in choosing a safe out of school setting for their children and to equip them with valuable communication tools, we have created a guide specifically for them. This guide provides information on what to look for when selecting an out of school setting, what to ask and what to consider when choosing a setting for their child.  You are encouraged to share this guide with parents. 

We strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself and your staff with these resources to ensure your settings safeguarding practices are robust and aligned with the latest guidance. Please feel free to distribute these documents among your team members, display them on notice boards, or include them in your induction and training programs.

There is training available around safeguarding for those organisations that need this through the local authority in addition to multiagency training

However we know that many organisations deliver their own internal training, you can check the guidance to see if there is anything else that needs adding to your training and if we can support in anyway. 

Thank you for your commitment to safeguarding children and for your dedication to providing quality experiences in your out of school setting. Together, we can make a significant difference in promoting the well-being and positive outcomes of young people. Please also refer to Sandwell Children’s Safeguarding Children’s website where there is a dedicated section for the Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector