Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023 - an overview for VCS


As the voluntary sector - you are those agencies who parents and families trust and who you may see on much more of a regular basis than other services e.g. health, police, social care. You will work with the communities, with different races and faiths, ages and genders. 

You may, as part of your work, provide a wide range of activities for children and identify concerns early on.  Because of this you will have much more involvement and longer standing relationships with families than may be the statutory sector hence the importance of you recognising your role within safeguarding.

The VCFS play a vital role in sharing and contributing to key information about children and sharing concerns about abuse, neglect, exploitation, and concerns which may happen inside the family home or out in the community (known as extra-familial harm).

The short briefing will talk you through key points and aims to give you a greater understanding of the guidance and what it means for you as our Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector.