Funding available to tackle problems within Families


The Trust will consider both capital and revenue grants. The Trust is happy to support requests for core funding as well as project-based grants, and actively encourages applications from relatively new organisations to help them become established.

The three areas of activity that the charity wishes to support are:

  • Interventions that support families and help them in ways that prevent the fracture of the family unit, eg. practical family support, relationship counselling, mediation.
  • Families where sexual abuse, physical abuse, domestic violence, alcohol abuse and drug abuse threaten the integrity of the family unit.
  • Prisoners and in particular their families, during and after the period of imprisonment.

The trust prefers to support charities whose income is below £500,000. However, larger charities with pioneering pilot projects will be considered.

Grants are awarded twice a year and the next closing date for applications is the 1st September 2024.

Click here for more information.