
‘Real Respect’ (Secondary age) – Personal relationship boundaries and appropriate sexual behaviour

by Krunch

Sandwell Christian Centre
Mark Cavell
0121 552 5556
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

• A group intervention for up to 8 students or one to one sessions for individuals
• Facilitating the hearing of the young person’s voice
• Pre and post topical questionnaire to check progress in understanding
• Supporting children and young people to have open and honest discussion around issues such as:
• Abuse, harassment and rape culture
• Love and intimate relationships
• Respect and self-worth
• The effects of pornography – where does our sex ed come from?
• Sexual consent, how it is given and received and how this is supported in law
• Delivery will be adapted for those with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities, EHC plans, notable emotional health and wellbeing issues
• Weekly session feedback and summary report on the group intervention

TARGET GROUP - Pupils aged 11-16 years who have 1 or more of the following presenting issues:
• Those exhibiting sexist or misogynistic views and opinions
• Those displaying or condoning inappropriate sexual behaviour
• Those who have posted illegal or unkind content of a sexual nature on social media
• Those who simply lack of understanding around sex, consent and the law
(Please explain your concerns on the referral form. The young person should have no other similar intervention in place. We recommend those referred are close in age.)

• Those who have displayed: abuse/violent sexual behaviours, misuse of power, use of coercion or force, sexual assaults or rape, chronic use of pornography, previous conviction or warnings for sexual behaviour, lack of empathy for victims, young person preoccupied or obsessed with sex or sexual content

• Participants will recognise how their views, opinions and attitudes towards those across the gender spectrum have been shaped*
• Participants will show an increased understanding of sexual abuse, harassment and the law
• Participants will have a clear understanding of what sexual consent is and how to communicate it effectively
• Participants will understand how their choices have consequences and how this can impact their lives
• Participants will have the opportunity to develop a healthy respect for themselves and others across the gender spectrum

Opening hours

Morning Afternoon Evening
Accessibility details
We have a good awareness of the SEN categories and frequently associated diagnoses such as ADHD, autism and anxiety. We have close links with CAMHS, as one of our staff is a therapist seconded there. We also work with the Inclusion Support Team and have access to support if we are not familiar with a particular medical diagnosis, neurological disorder, or area of learning difficulty. Our staff team are also aware of attachment theory, the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE's) and they all work in a trauma informed way. Krunch works daily with children from local Sandwell Special Schools, Westminster and Brades Lodge as well as SEN YP from local colleges. We bespoke all of our interactions and provision to meet physical, sensory and emotional needs. On average, at least 30% of those students we work with on a weekly basis will have some kind of SEND and we are used to working with those who have full statements/EHC plans both in groups and a one to one setting. We successfully provide education sessions and accreditation for young people living with a wide range of SEND.
Staff qualifications
We have a longstanding, stable staff team with a plethora of qualifications: qualified teacher and mentors, therapist working alongside Sandwell CAMHS, internal moderation for accreditation, youthwork, Masters Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Masters Applied Psychology, Counselling (various stages of training), Diploma in Trauma Recovery. Career backgrounds of our staff relevant to this contact include: teaching/mentoring - mainstream, special, Steiner and free, young offenders institute, post-16 college, homeless foyer, life coaching, church youth worker, stay at home parent, child sexual exploitation, teenage mental health. Our staff undertake regular training on a range of topics which affect our service users, both inhouse and via Sandwell Children’s Trust, Safeguarding Board and quality external providers. A sample of training sessions this past year: • Suicide Awareness • Betsy de Thierry trauma consultant - online how to help the angry, frustrated child • Risk, Rights, Resilience & Relationships: safeguarding and supporting adolescents - Research In Practice • Safeguarding 16-25-year olds • Effects of Domestic abuse upon children • Managing sexualised behaviour in schools • County Lines, gang affiliation and Exploitation • Equality diversity and inclusion training
Additional notes
• The Krunch referral form must be completed and sent to Mark Cavell at This does not guarantee a place on the project. • You must provide us with a key worker within your school with whom we can liaise • We require parent/carers to complete Krunch consent form • We expect referrers, parents/carers and participants to completed short feedback questionnaires for us in order that we can evaluate service delivery and project impact • We set targets with the young person and review them regularly and agree a weekly reporting structure to someone at school (usually via email) • A final report summarizing our intervention and the achievement of the young person will be sent to school and home and other involved professionals for whom we have consent • All Krunch staff have an enhanced DBS certificate and Safeguarding Training • Krunch has public liability insurance, a current Safeguarding Policy, Health and Safety Policy and many of our staff are First Aid trained • Our face to face mentoring sessions are risk assessed too. Our staff are trained and regularly updated in relation to Social Distancing rules and hygiene procedures in line with changing government and educational guidelines For further information please call Krunch and ask for Lynsey Grant or Mark Cavell and we will be happy to discuss the referral process and the project with you.